Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy of is deeply concerned about user privacy. At the same time, we would like to announce some of the important terms & conditions that apply to the user’s data, we collect during the interaction with our website.
whether it may be a visit of our articles or the subscription for our newsletter or it may be sensitive data such as email id, name, photo, other personal details that we gather while registration for our services.
we guarantee that your data is safe with us and we do not share it with any third-party organization for other use. And please be noticed that we use cookies to improve the user experience throughout browsing of our website.
Personalized suggestions of content are beneficial for the audience as you know, the browser data will be received by google search engine and other third party genuine companies like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
So your search activities will be monitors and suggest the products or services based on your interest that helps you a lot to meet your current needs.
you may or may not choose the products as per the suggestions, it’s up to you. We suggest you keep all this stuff in mind and navigate our ( website. We guarantee you will get an optimized experience with our website.
Log Files: will use the log files and the most Important information inside the log files includes IP address, Browse types, ISP, site Administer, Users tracking flow around the website, and other information.
Cookies and Web Beacons: never use cookies.
DoubleClick DART Cookie:
Google is one of the 3rd Party vendors which uses the Cookies to give ads on
The DART cookie enables will use by Google to play ads to users based on their frequent visit to and any other web portals on the Internet.
The visitors can utilize of the DART cookie by referring to the Google ad and content network privacy policy through the direct URL –
Few of advertising partners will utilize the Cookies and web beacons on our site. Our advertising partners include
Google Adsense.
This 3rd-party advertiser will utilize modern technology to the serving ads that show on addressing directly to your web browsers. They naturally accept your IP address.
The most important modern technologies like JavaScript and cookies will be utilized by the 3rd-party ad networks to calculate the strongness of their advertisements and or to present the advertising content that you need.
But has no connection control over these cookies that are utilized by the 3rd-party advertisers.
Uses must meet the particular privacy policies of these 3rd-party ad servers to know more information on its methods as well as for guidance about how to an instance of choosing of certain practices.’s privacy policy would not register to, and will not handle these particular activities of, such other advertisers.
If any user wants to disable the cookies on your particular web browsers can go through your web browser Settings. You will get clear information about the cookie controlling with the particular web browsers that you can be found at the browsers.
Note: If you have any Queries and doubts about the privacy policy, you can send an email at