Jeevan Pramaan Face app Portal JP/ DLC Digital Life Certificate Download

Jeevan Pramaan app

Jeevan Pramaan app: Presenting oneself at the Disbursement agency to stand up a proof of existence is good till one can have mobility in life. After a particular age, one may find it difficult to move around and keep oneself calm and comfortable. To make the lives of senior citizens comfortably go by the government of India initiates a digital life certificate, a software application.

Jeevan Pramaan app Digital Life Certificate Download

Yes, on 10th November 2014, Shri Narendra Modi’s government launched an app that generates a Digital life certificate for citizens above 80 years of age. The Jeevan Pramaan portal can be operated effectively on a software application and utilize a secured Aadhar based Biometric Authentication System. 

The app allows pensioners, pension disbursing agencies, and pension payment authorities to access for executing their respective goal sets. However, once the pensioner uploads the requisite information in the designed format, the information gets digitally placed. The pension disbursing agency and pension payment authority can approach it whenever it is essential.

Benefits of the Beneficiaries (Pensioners):

1. The nation holds more than one crore pensioners and they include Central Government and Defense Personnel.

2. The presence of PDAs such as the banks as well as the post offices on the Jeevan app enables the smooth functioning of the disbursement mechanism.

3. The implementation of the Digital Life Certificate (DLC) digitally does avoid huge hardships for aged senior citizens.

4. Every year, in the month of November a pensioner should make a physical submission of a life certificate in a prescribed format. It can be avoided by its utilization.

5. The digital formats will reduce the wrongful disbursal of pension into the pensioner’s account.

Stakeholders of Jeevan Pramaan/ Digital Life Certificate

Besides pensioners, pension sanctioning authorities, and pension disbursing agencies are the stakeholders.

Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSAs):

A pensioner’s pension is approved and sanctioned as per the pension sanctioning authority (PSAs), and the pension payment order instructs the pension disbursing agency to deliver the salary payment into the pension account.

The pension disbursing agency is allowed to view/download the digital life certificate of the pensioner. Disbursing agencies such as banks, post offices can process the pension order.

The pensioner will have to provide biometric authentication on an Aadhaar platform. To perform the authentication process, the pensioner will require Internet Connectivity, a biometric device, JP windows/Android.

The pensioner can download client application software from the Jeevan Pramaan portal ( to deploy on the PC/Mobile/Tablet.

Prerequisites for Digital Certification Generation:

1. The pensioner must obtain the following information before moving to generate Digital Certificate on the hardware devices.

2. The pensioner must possess an Aadhaar number and mobile smartphone number.

3. The pensioner must get the Aadhaar number registered with the pension disbursing agency, a bank, or a post office.

4. The pensioner must keep a biometric device handy as per the specifications mentioned in the Jeevan Pramaan portal.

5. The pensioner must have Windows 7.0 loaded in the personal computer, and at least an android mobile/ tablet 4.0 version if utilized.

6. The pensioner must have uninterrupted Internet Connectivity.

Get DLC at the CSC:

Senior Citizens may find it difficult to generate Digital Life Certificate (DLC) then such citizens can approach the below-mentioned places. 

1. A pensioner can seek help from the Citizen Service Centre (CSC). Or

2. Approach a government office/ bank that is designated for DLC and take their support to get a DLC registration online. In this case, a pensioner may be required to pay a nominal service charge.

3. Jeevan pramaan web portal shall provide a list of CSC along with name and address made available in various states. It can be obtained at the ‘locator’ webpage. One can reach the webpage through

4. For those who are techno-savvy, the pensioner can download the DLC at & then make an installation of the client application. The deployment of client applications can be on a PC with Windows 7 and above version or on a smartphone with more than 4.0 version.

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Device Registration/ Pensioner Authentication:

The pensioner can personally register @device or seek the help of the operator who is well versed with the process of registration. The process of registration completes in two steps, in the first step, the device registration is essential then the second step recognizes pensioner authentication.

Step – 01 (Device Registration):

1. The operator/ pensioner must enter Aadhaar Number, and mobile number and the website shall send an OTP.

2. The operator/pensioner must enter the OTP into the online application form meant for registration.

3. The operator/pensioner must further proceed to enter the name, email id, and click the ‘scan finger.’

4. In fact, the fingerprint is obtained by placing the finger on the fingerprint scanner. Likewise, for a scan iris (eye) on the Iris Scanner. Both the devices are connected to the PC/ mobile/ tab.

5. After the finger/eye is authenticated then the system shall display as ‘device registration successful.’ Then, the operator/ pension must click on the ‘OK’ button.

Step – 02 ( Pensioner Authentication & Generation):

1. The operator/pensioner must open the online application and make an entry of the following details such as the Aadhaar number and mobile number. The website shall send an OTP to the pensioner’s mobile.

2. The operator/ pensioner must enter the OTP and click OK.

3. After entering the OTP, the pensioners should enter the Pensioner’s name, PPO number, type of pension, name of sanctioning authority, disbursing agency, mailing account, and bank account number.

4. The operator/pensioner must consider the selection of remarried options, and re-employed options.

5. The pensioner must check for a small gray box and then click the scan finger button and it will start the scanning process of the finger/Iris.

6. On successful scanning it will display fingerprint/iris authentication is successful. The website shall send an SMS acknowledgment to the pensioner’s mobile number.

7. The web portal stores the Digital Life Certificate, DLC in the Life Certificate Repository, and it can be operated by the pensioner and Pension Disbursing Agency.

Download JP/DLC at

1. The pensioner can get a hard copy of the Digital Life Certificate (DLC) through an easy download of the PDF copy. Following are the steps to produce it.

2. The pensioner must enter the official website:

3. The pensioner must use the generated Jeevan Pramaan ID and Aadhaar card number.

4. After entering the above-stated parameters, the website shall display the Digital Life Certificate (DLC) and it is ready for download. 

Contact Details: Digital Life Certificate Version 1.0:

A senior citizen can find details about the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) Version 1.0, and its generation on the website address https:// and get queries answered at JP team, The Central government has opened a help desk service center at 91-(0120-3076200). 

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